I Am Not A Reliable Narrator

02 October 2007

In the Interests

of improving my attitude, they shall now be known as The Wonderful Ladies, Sunshine and Superstar.

I fear that this job is making me repress so many emotions every day that I shall soon turn into my mother. If, at any point, I begin discussing the merits of cutting off most of my hair and getting a permanent wave I grant everyone in the world permission to shoot me.

In other news, my stomach has been acting up pretty badly lately so I saw a specialist last week and has scheduled me in for a colonoscopy and a gastroscopy next week. I'm not looking forward to either procedure but am hopeful that we might find something to help make this better. He was really clear about the fact that while stress might be triggering these problems that stress exacerbates a lot of stomach problems and that we shouldn't rule anything out until he'd taken a closer and more intimate look at my bowel. Luckily he also said he would be giving me drugs so I won't be awake for the gastroscopy and I will be super groggy and out of it for the colonoscopy.

In more other news, Jeremy should be in Sao Paulo right now, or on his way to the town where he will be staying near there. He is giving some safety training this week and won't be back until Monday. It's very quiet and sort of eerie here. Luckily Oliver has been a little extra needy lately so I don't feel like Elmyra so much when i spend all my time picking him up and demanding cuddles.


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