Can't Get No (sing it like Devo, not Jagger)
This week I am solidly lacking in anything near satisfaction.
Job Satisfaction
Life Satisfaction
Creative Satisfaction
And it is all making me cranky. I keep shouting DIVORCE at Jeremy because he is getting on my nerves hard. And it's not even his fault, he's just being normal, it's me who's got the angst hard on.
So I'm trying to decide what to do about all this. I can't quit my job, because I need it in order to pay my mortgage and buy clothes at Primark and drinks at the pub. But I can start using my freetime more productively by starting to freelance.
I've always been scared of freelancing because I don't want to start thinking of writing as a chore, but seriously, it might be time to take that risk. The file factory is a chore and I still show up every stupid day. Why not at least spend some of my time doing a chore I find at least a little bit enjoyable. My excuses are silly and I need to stop making them. I'm hoping that if I can change one thing and start focussing on this important aspect of my life it will carry over and make me less miserable in other aspects.
I just need to motivate myself now. Unfortunately, that's my main weakness in life. I'm really good at motivating myself to watch American Idol or to look at every picture ever posted on I Can Has Cheezburger but am really crap at motivating myself to follow through with my writing. Probably (and by probably I mean definitely) because I'm scared that I'll suck.
So tell me internets, how do you motivate yourselves? What makes you get off your ass and actually follow through? Do I need to pud a shock pad in my sofa?
Job Satisfaction
Life Satisfaction
Creative Satisfaction
And it is all making me cranky. I keep shouting DIVORCE at Jeremy because he is getting on my nerves hard. And it's not even his fault, he's just being normal, it's me who's got the angst hard on.
So I'm trying to decide what to do about all this. I can't quit my job, because I need it in order to pay my mortgage and buy clothes at Primark and drinks at the pub. But I can start using my freetime more productively by starting to freelance.
I've always been scared of freelancing because I don't want to start thinking of writing as a chore, but seriously, it might be time to take that risk. The file factory is a chore and I still show up every stupid day. Why not at least spend some of my time doing a chore I find at least a little bit enjoyable. My excuses are silly and I need to stop making them. I'm hoping that if I can change one thing and start focussing on this important aspect of my life it will carry over and make me less miserable in other aspects.
I just need to motivate myself now. Unfortunately, that's my main weakness in life. I'm really good at motivating myself to watch American Idol or to look at every picture ever posted on I Can Has Cheezburger but am really crap at motivating myself to follow through with my writing. Probably (and by probably I mean definitely) because I'm scared that I'll suck.
So tell me internets, how do you motivate yourselves? What makes you get off your ass and actually follow through? Do I need to pud a shock pad in my sofa?
At 16 May 2008 at 20:53,
Anonymous said…
I try to make myself sit down in 15 minute chunks.
It's not quite working yet.
At 16 May 2008 at 23:54,
Alannah said…
Once upon a time I was pretty good at making myself do things.
I would get up really early in the morning, before I had time to procrastinate. I would alternate, writing one morning and exercising the next. WHY CAN'T I GET BACK INTO THAT?????
At 17 May 2008 at 07:53,
carolyn says said…
lori, that's how i make myself clean, like if i spend 15 minutes doing dishes then i get 15 minutes of crappy tv, except i always end up with 30 minutes of crappy tv because that;s how long the shows are. maybe i should extend it to 30 minute increments
alannah, i was doing that too and i was really good at it and productive and then i got lazy and stupid. how can we make ourselves start again? should we bribe each other?
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