I Am Not A Reliable Narrator

07 May 2008

Carolyn is full of grouchiness and more grouchiness

  1. I broke my thermos yesterday. I tripped on my way up the steps and my thermos hit the floor and made a load crash and when I picked it up I could hear the lining moving around in a million little pieces like all of James Frey's drug addled lies. This means I have to pay for overpriced London lunches until I can replace my poor green thermos.
  2. Our dining room is full of bathroom stuff until the week of the 19th. If we tried to sell the house now would this qualify as a second bathroom?
  3. I had a weird dizzy spell yesterday and am having other small ones today. Panic attacks or onset of some stupid bug? Who knows.
  4. These dizy spells coincide with Sebadoh day! Not fair!!!
  5. I just feel generally curmudgeonly, maybe this is all some sort of subconscious prepwork for my role as DJ Zbornak, maybe I am just a miserable cow who is always meant to be grouchy. I don't know but I'm already sick of myself
  6. I am really on the fence about playing Everything is Everything by Lauryn Hill on Friday as one of my opening songs. I am the first person playing music so I want to start off a little bit slow, first two songs likely to be this and Never Said by Liz Phar followd by Kanye West's All Falls Down and then I'll just start grabbing CDs at random. Is this too schizophrenic a start? I don't want to waste my best songs before people are ready to dance but maybe I should start strong. Making people dance is complicated.
  7. My stomach feels like butt. I hate my stomach. My head hurts too. I hate my head.
  8. grumpus grouch complain and moan


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