I Am Not A Reliable Narrator

23 November 2006


this is my second thanksgiving in a row away from home.

last year we threw a party and then had to have our cat, jasper, put to sleep because of his failing kidneys.

this year we were too lazy to have another party and instead will just have a veggie roast and roast vegetables, maybe some peas on the side. i might be cultivating an unpleasant stomach virus as well. monday and tuesday nights my stomach hurt like hell on tuesday with the added bonus of my favorite diarrhea, and yesterday and today i have had constant heartburn, plus some ookiness in my gut so far.

i've cut out caffeine and all coffee related products and am eating bio yogurt with all it's bacteria and drinking green tea and water. been snorting the zicam we smuggled back from chicago but i fear it may be too late. if i'm going to be sick i need to do it fast because i want to be better by 1st december when we go to copenhagen for the weekend. the last thing i need is a mad cap hunt for danish toilets (which thankfully are nicer than italian toilets (not hard to do) but still a toilet hunt in a foreign country is never fun).

but thanksgiving, i miss it, even though it stresses me out juggling families and getting into the inevitable fight with either my brother or dad about politics and trying to avoid upsetting my mom by saying anything crass or critical about organized religion. i miss the way the house smells and setting up the tree on friday. i miss poking around and stealing bits of turkey. i miss the way the windows fog up from the heat of the food. i miss the creamed corn and the pumpkin pie. i miss the plates of left overs and my grandma's recipe for turkey surprise (a leftover casserole that is suprisingly tasty despite looking totally grody). and i miss the pockets of time where we all get along really well and we have huge belly laughs and we actually like each other for a few bloated gluttonous minutes.

thanksgiving is something you have to let go of to a certain extent when you move abroad and i miss it more than the 4th of july or, really, any of the other American holidays, despite all of the frustration it often brings along with it. it's easier to be sentimental about my family with an ocean between us.

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